5 Lifestyle Tips to Reduce Your Risk for Heart Disease

Heart disease isn’t a single illness. It’s actually a general term that describes several issues that can affect your heart and blood vessels. Some of these conditions include: Blocked or narrowed arteries Heart rhythm problems Congenital heart defects present since birth Having heart disease can trigger life-threatening events, including heart attacks and strokes. And, one […]

How Opioids Change Your Brain

The opioid epidemic in the United States has captured national headlines as a problem that cuts across economic, gender, and racial lines. Opioid addiction can happen to anyone, from the CEO in the corner office to the low-income teenager struggling in high school. The reason behind this level playing field is largely due to the […]

Dependent on Opioids? Learn About our Suboxone Treatment Plans

The opioid problem in the United States has been labeled a crisis, and for good reason. Every day, more than 130 people die because of an opioid overdose. Though scare tactics are a lousy way to start a conversation, we just want to underscore the seriousness of the problem. More importantly, we want you to […]

Banish Unwanted Hair, Wrinkles and Spider Veins With Xeo Laser Treatments

Evolving laser technology has opened up a whole new world when it comes to cosmetic concerns. It’s not that laser is new, but the technology has been refined, allowing us to target very specific problems, such as unwanted body hair, spider veins, wrinkles, and much more. Dr. Tim Martin spent considerable time researching the laser […]

Energy Drinks: Good or Bad?

The soft drink industry created energy drinks to provide quick energy replacement for consumers eager to invigorate themselves with a boost for their busy, active lives. Millions of people reach for energy drinks every day as a pick-me-up to enable their fast paced, sleep deprived lifestyles. No well-designed scientific research demonstrates benefits to consuming energy […]